The current state of
I've been seen a lot of conversations about regarding if the project is inactive, or if its even been worked on at all, so as the owner of I'm going to address everything. As of July 8th it has been 2 months at least since I've done any real work on the website and for good reasons:
- No experience in developing R* clients
- Client developers Mathmark and Yavok both can't allocate any time to develop's client
- My desire to improve the structure of my other projects (like the conversion of EraCast to Laravel)
As of right now, I moderate's forum and assets been uploaded to the site and developing a client is something I have no experience in, only experience I have is web development and server networking. If you are experienced in R* clients and willing to help with reasonable time to allocate to the client then you can email [email protected] or send a discord message and include in your message that you want to work on clients.